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The Women of Shiva deanery celebrated the Women’s Day on 5th March 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at Shirva Savud Sabha Bhavan. The Vicar General of the Diocese of Udupi, V. Rev. Msgr. Baptist Menezes presided over the function. The Founder President of Women’s Association, Udupi Diocese, Ms. Leena Roche was the Chief Guest. The Spiritual Director of Women’s Association, Rev. Fr. Reginald Pinto; the Coordinator of Women’s Commission, Sr. Teresa Martis FMM; The President of Women’s Association, Udupi Diocese, Ms. Irene Pereira; The Deanery President, Women’s Association, Ms. Mabel Menezes; The Secretary of Deanery Women’s Association, Ms. Linet Fernandes were present on the dais.



The Prayer Song was sung by Belman Unit of Women’s Associaiton. Ms. Mabel Menezes welcomed the gathering. Ms. Irene Pereira and the dignitaries on the dais lighted the lamp. Ms. Irene Pereira spoke on the occasion and thanked all women for their active participation. She observed that the programme was organised under the motto, “Be Bold for Change” There are about 116 SHGs in Shirva Deanery. She was happy to note that reports from all Women’s Associations reached her in time and good works were done by all the units. Ms. Linet Fernandez presented the Deanery report on Women’s Association for 2016-2017. The report highlighted the government facilities availed by 8 SHGs to the tune of Rs. 11.5 lakhs. Sr. Teresa Martis urged women to emerge as leaders in both spiritual and temporal affairs.

Ms. Veera D’Souza of Pangla Parish was felicitated for having been elected as the President of Katapadi Gram Panchayat. Ms. Sunitha D’Souza, a School Teacher from Pamboor Parish was also felicitated for securing the Second Place in 200 meters race and Third Place in Long Jump for under 35 years competitions organised by 37th National Sports Meet at Bangalore. She has also been selected for International Sports Meet at Singapore.

Rev. Fr. Reginald Pinto expressed his joy at the report presented. He saluted women for their outstanding performance. He stressed the role of women today as leaders for their families in particular and society in general. He said that mothers should be in the forefront to give good example to their children. He laid importance on fivefold strength that women must draw upon, viz. spirituality, value based living, economic prosperity, physical fitness and unity. He shared the goodnews that Shirva Deanery Women’s Association would be receiving up to Rs. 1 crore through SHGs from the Government of Karnataka for various projects.

Both Fr. Reginald Pinto and Sr. Teresa Martis were presented with bouquet of flowers for the role they play in motivating and guiding women.  

Ms. Leena Roche sang ‘vovios’ to honour the dignitaries on the dais and some other important persons.  She gave a brief history of international women’s day. She emphasised the empowerment of all women in the Diocese of Udupi. Through examples she explained how women have taken the lead in promoting social welfare of all especially the poor. According to her, if women are united, they can do wonders, make use of their talents, enact their own plays and collect funds for the welfare of the Diocese of Udupi.

In his Presidential address, Msgr. Baptist Menezes expressed his joy over the report. He asked women to always lead from the front in spiritual, social, political, cultural and economic fields. He said that the success of men will depend on how the women treat their husbands. Women can shape the future of families.

Ms. Anitha D’Souza proposed the vote of thanks.

After the function, Dr. Denzil Noronha and Dr. Kajal Noronha made a power point presentation about health care. Around 450 women graced the occasion. The entire programme was well organised by the two M.C.s viz. Ms. Janet Barboza and Ms. Cynthia Pinto.  

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