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Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo paid his official Pastoral Visit to the Parish Priest and the faithful of St. Antony Church Trasi from 03 to 05th September 2016. He initiated the Pastoral Visit with a prayer service in the church and later in the cemetery. Prayers were offered for dear departed. After the prayer service Bishop met the Candidates of the sacrament Confirmation. Then followed the meeting with members of Finance Committee. 

Day two of the visit began with the Solemn Eucharist during which he catechized the children and the adults about the sacrament of Confirmation and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He administered the sacrament of Confirmation to 20 Children of the parish. The Parish Priest of Trasi Rev. Fr Joseph Machado was present the Solemn Eucharistic Celebration. After the Mass Mother Mary’s Novena was held and children offered flowers. Then he met with the members of Marian Sodality, ICYM, YCS, Altar Servers, SVP and Woman Commission. In the afternoon he met the members of SCC central committee, Catechism Teachers. He also attended the SCC ward meeting in one of the wards of the Church. Then visit to the St. Antony Convent.

The third day began with the mass in the Church. After the Mass Mother Mary’s Novena was held and children offered flowers. After the mass he met all Catholic teachers, 18 Commission and parish pastoral council. After that he visited the sick. Finally on 05th September Bishop concluded his pastoral visit with a concluding prayer service.

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