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United Basel Mission Churches, Udupi District Full Gospel Churches, CSI Churches and Catholic diocese of Udupi jointly celebrated Ecumenical ‘Bandhavya Christmas’ on 16 December at Mother of Sorrows Auditorium, Udupi.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi diocese, Pastor Gopinathan, President of Full Gospel Churches Pastors’ Association, Mr Jayaprakash Simons, Chairman of UBMC Trust Association, Rev. Ivan D. Soans, Fr Valerian Mendonca, Parish Priest of Mother of Sorrows Church, Prashanth Jathanna, Director of BigJ TV and other dignitaries were present from various churches of Udupi.

Rev. Fr Vincent Crasta, Secretary of CESU, Rev. Akshay Ammanna of Christa Mahima CSI Church Korangrapady, Pastor Gopinathan and Mr Jayaprakash Simons gave the Christmas message on behalf of their churches. All four churches presented carols, dances and skits on Christmas and shared the message of Peace with the audience.

Rev. Fr Chetan Lobo, PRO of Udupi diocese welcomed and compeered the program. Prashanth Jathanna rendered vote of thanks.

Christmas Joy was enhanced by the sharing of sweets during the program. St Milagres Credit Co-operative Society Ltd, Udupi branch sponsored the program.

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