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Most Rev. Gerald Isaac Lobo blessed the Renovated Cemetery at Katapadi on 2nd November, 2019.

The bishop celebrated mass at Katapadi cemetery along with Rev. Fr Ronson D’Souza, Parish Priest of Katapadi and Rev. Fr Terence Abranches, Superior of Holy Cross Minor Seminary. After the mass, the Bishop led the prayer service and blessed the cemetery.

After the blessing, a short felicitation programme was held. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Deanery; Rev. Fr Ronson D’Souza, Parish Priest of Katapadi; Mr Leslie Suares, vice president of Parish Pastoral Council; Mr Wilfred Lewis, 18 commissions coordinator of Katapadi parish were present on the dias.

Donors, Engineer and contractor were felicitated on this occasion. Bishop addressed the gathering and said "The church is the first sanctuary for Christians. The cemetery is the second holy place because it is customary for us to come here to pray for the relatives of each family." There is a tradition of beautifying the graves in foreign lands with flower garden and the same practice is taking place in our territory. He said it was necessary to maintain the sanctity of the burial site.

Rev. Fr Ronson D’Souza welcomed the gathering and Mr Leslie Suares proposed vote of thanks. Mrs Catherine Rodrigues compered the programme.

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