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Our Bishop, the Most Rev. Gerald I. Lobo went to Rome on 10 September 2019 for his Ad Limina visit which took place from 11 to 19 September 2019.

"Canonical discipline requires the diocesan Bishop to observe the ancient tradition of the Ad Limina Visit every five years, by venerating the tombs of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and by meeting the Successor of Peter, the bishop of Rome.

In its liturgical and pastoral dimensions and in its opportunities for fraternal exchange, the visit has a clear purpose for the Bishop: it increases his sense of responsibility as Successor of the Apostles and gives renewed vigour to his communion with the Successor of Peter. At the same time, the visit is also important for the life of the particular Church which, through the person of its Bishop, strengthens the bonds of faith, communion and discipline uniting it to the Church of Rome and to the entire ecclesial body (cf. Directory for the "Ad Limina Visit").

Fraternal meetings with Roman Pontiff and with his closest collaborators in the Roman Curia offer the Bishop a privileged opportunity not only to give an account of the situations of his Diocese and its needs, but also to learn more about the hopes, the joys and the difficulties of the universal Church and to receive helpful counsel and guidance on the problems of his flock. The visit has great importance also for the Successor of Peter, who welcomes the Pastors of the particular churches and discuss with them issues concerning their ecclesial mission. the Ad Limina Visit is therefore, an expression of his pastoral solicitude for the whole Church (Ap. Cons. PASTOR BONUS, appendix 1,3-4)."

Our Bishop having met His Holiness Pope Francis together with the Bishops of Karnataka and personally too has mailed us a few photos which Udupi Diocese is happy to share with our esteemed readers for information.

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