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Catholic Sabha and Laity commission jointly organized the gathering for Udupi Diocesan members of grama Panchayath at Mother of Sorrows Church auditorium on 11th August, 2019.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese; Mr Wilfred D'Souza, resource person and Panchayat Raj state convener of Manava Bandhuthva Vedike; Rev. Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves, Director of Laity commission of Udupi Diocese; Mr Alwyn Quadros, President of Catholic Sabha; Mr Valerian Fernandes, Former President of Catholic Sabha; Wilson Rodriguez, Member of zilla panchayat; Mr Jithendra Furtado, President, Palimaru Gram Panchayat and Mrs Jenvin D’Souza, Member of Pethri Gram Panchayat and Mrs Veronica Cornelio, Former taluk panchayat president and others were present on the dias. 

Mrs Veronica Cornelio delivered the keynote address. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo inaugurate the program by lighted the lamp and address the gathering and said “Decentralization of power has made it possible for the members of the Grama Panchayat to be empowered and reach to village level,” said Bishop Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, president of Catholic Sabha Udupi region.

“In the last gram panchayat elections, as many as 112 Christian representatives of the district are elected and have given their selfless service. Let us all put their effort towards winning a large number of Christian members in gram panchayat elections to be held next year. Participation is important than winning. The main slogan of Catholic Sabha is 'Service, Sacrifice and Solidarity'. Let them work for society and contribute to the social, educational and employment fields. There is need to evaluate the service. Apart from this, everyone needs to help people of flood-affected areas. It is our responsibility too,” 

Mr Wilfred D'Souza addressed the gathering and said, “India is a developing country in the world in terms of health, education, technology and life expectancy. But India has moved only one spot to 130 among 189 countries in the latest human development index released by the United Nations Development Programme recently. The development of a country depends on its administration. There is 50% women representatives in parliament in developed countries, but there is not that much of women representation seen in Indian parliament. Politics is nothing but opportunity to make developments. It is an opportunity to make something good for the society. There is democracy system in 60% of the nations. There is direct democracy system in many developed countries. There is relation between administration and development.”

Jithendra Furtado, president, Palimaru gram panchayat and Jenvin D’Souza, member, Pethri Gram Panchayat shared their views.

Gram panchayat members who were elected in the by-election namely Mrs Shanthi Pereira, Mrs Veronica D'Souza, Mrs Priscilla Menezes, Mr Vinod Joel Mathias, Mrs Wilma Mendonca and Mr Sunil Cabral were honoured on the occasion.

Mrs Mary D’Souza, convenor, politics and government facilities extended the welcome and Mr Santhosh Cornelio, secretary, Catholic Sabha rendered the vote of thanks. Mr Flyvan compered the programme.

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