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Good Friday was observed with Prayers and Fasting at Milagres Cathedral on 19th April, 2019. In the morning at 10 am ‘Way of the Cross’ was held at Milagres College aditoriam. The 14 stations of Christ’s Journey to Mount Calvary from Roman governor Pilate’s palace were re-enacted with the worshipers moving to each station singing hymns as the story of the betrayal, arrest, trial and crucifixion of Christ was narrated by the priest.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese, took part in the religious ceremony organised at the Milagres Cathedral, Kallianpur.

The solemn liturgy on Good Friday included the dramatized reading of the ‘Passion’ from the Gospel of St John, followed by the veneration of the Cross and finally the distribution of communion.

After Good Friday, the Christians prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.

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