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A Study Session for Priests on the topic of ‘The Joy of the Gospel’ was held at Bishop’s House Udupi on 04th April, 2019.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese; Rev. Fr Paneer Selwam, Director of CCBI commission of Proclamation and Evangelization; Rev. Fr Vincent Crasta, Diocesan Director of Proclamation and Evangelization Commission and diocesan and religious Priests were presented.

Rev. Fr Vincent Crasta led the prayer service and introduced Rev. Fr Paneer Selvam. Rev. Fr Pannier Selwam made power point presentation on the topic of ‘The Joy of the Gospel’.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo in his concluding remarks. Rev. Fr Vincent Crasta welcomed the gathering and Rev. Fr Denis D’Sa proposed vote of thanks. 62 diocesan and religious priests attended the study seesion.

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