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'Grand Konkan Showers 2019-53rd Wilson Olivera Nite' organised by St Mary's Konkan Community (SMKC) Dubai, in association with the Indian Catholic Youth Movement, Udupi was held at Christian Pre-University College Grounds on March 3rd, 2019.

The musical evening, held in aid of Udupi diocesan projects, showcased the 53rd Wilson Olivera Nite and mesmerized Konkani music lovers. The success was evident as the audience appreciated the wonderful arrangement and great entertainment with music, dance and comedy. The entire program was very well organized with continuous non-stop entertainment.








































































































































































































































































































The event also generated Rs 60 lac for the projects of Udupi diocese.

The Stage program began with prayer song sung by the choir members of Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi which was trained by Fr Valerian Mendonca.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese, presided over the program, while Mr Paul Colaco, President, SMKC; Mr Wilson Olivera; Rev. Fr Cyprian D’Souza, Founder and Spiritual Director, SMKC; Mr Noel Mascarenhas, Founder President, SMKC; Mr Joe Fernandes, Advisor, SMKC; Mrs Jennifer Mascarenhas, Former President and Chairperson, Charity Committee, SMKC; Mr Ivan D’Souza, Member, SMKC; Mr Walter Nandalike, Founder and Managing Director, Daijiworld Group; Mr Leslie Rego, Program Coordinator; Mr Dion D’Souza, President, ICYM Udupi Diocese; Fr Denis D’Sa, Diocesan Program Coordinator and Rev. Fr Valerian Mendonca, Diocesan Program coordinator were present on dais.

Msgr. Dr Baptist Menezes, Vicar General, Diocese of Udupi; Rev. Fr Edwin D’Souza, Director, ICYM, Diocese of Udupi, Priests, Religious Priests, Sisters and Laity from the diocese were present for the show.

Mr Walter Nandalike addressed on the occasion. Towards the diocesan development project work, Rs 10 lac was handed over to the bishop of diocese of Udupi by SMKC Dubai members. Also Rs 50 lac was handed over to the bishop by the members of Indian Catholic Youth Movement, diocese of Udupi.

On ‘Uzvaad’ fortnightly completing 5 years, Rev. Fr Chetan Lobo, editor, brought out the special editorial book comprising his editorials. ‘Pavsa Dhonu’ was released by Bishop Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Fr Denis D’Sa, trustee, Deepa Trust, Fr Royson Fernandes, designate editor, Uzvaad, Mrs Janet Barboza, president, Catholic Sthree Sanghantan, and Mr Dion D’Souza, president, ICYM.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo in his presidential address expressed that the diocese of Udupi is a 6-year-old child. “Through 18 commissions, we have built the vision and the fruits have already started flowing, but we need some time to see them in reality. For the basic needs of the diocese, a pastoral and laity animation center, a minor seminary, a home for retired priests and the bishop’s house are necessary.

“With the trust and help from the diocesan people, we have already started the work towards the same. To help us, SMKC Dubai organized a similar program in the year 2017 and once again today they have come forward with the 53rd Wilson Olivera Nite in association with the Indian Catholic Movement of Udupi diocese. I thank all members of SMKC Dubai and ICYM for their help towards the cause.

“I thank all the artistes who are going to perform in this program. This diocese is ours and all developments depend on our support and help. For all the support till date, I thank each and every one and hope that the same will come through in the coming days,” he said.

On behalf of the diocese, the bishop felicitated Wilson Olivera.

Mr Paul Colaco welcomed the gathering, Mr Dion D’Souza, proposed vote of thanks, and Dr Vincent Alva, Principal of Milagres College compered the formal function.

The musical evening began with a prayer song by the team members along with the Nach Sobhann team which was followed by ‘Sangeeth Sardar’ Wilson Olivera’s solo performance ‘Amkam Sangunk Thond Pavana’. Wilson Olivera and Babita Pinto performed Konkani, followed by solo performance by the Shilpa Cutinha ‘Tip Tip Awaz Korun’ which was supported by the ‘Nach Sobhann’ team.

‘The Expressions team’ presented rib-tickling skits in between the songs which kept the audience thoroughly entertained. 

Wilson Olivera was ably supported by talented music director Roshan D’Souza-Angelore and his troupe and popular singers and dancers from the ever-green ‘Nach Sobhann’ team.

Mr Ronald Olivera compered the event in his inimitable style.

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