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Udupi Diocesan Catholic Sabha annual general meeting and gathering held at Milagres tri centenary hall, Kallianpur on 24th June, 2018.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi; Mr Alwyn Quadros, President of Catholic Sabha, Udupi Pradesh; Mr Valerian Fernandes, Former President of Catholic Sabha, Udupi Pradesh; Rev. Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves, Spiritual Director of Catholic Sabha, Udupi Pradesh; V. Rev. Fr Lawrence C. D’Souza, Rector of Milagres Cathedral and Spiritual Director of Catholic Sabha Kallianpur Deanery; Mr Wilfred D’Souza, Officer of Nehru youth centre; Mr. Lancy D’Cunha, National President of All India Catholic Union; Mr Walter Pinto, State President of All India Catholic Council; Mr Elroy Kiran Crasta, Director of Labour Commission of Udupi Diocese; Mr Anil Lobo, Former President of Catholic Sabha Mangaluru Pradesh; Mr. Rolphy D’Costa, President of Catholic Sabha Mangaluru Pradesh, Deanery President and others were present on the dais.

The programme started with a prayer service conducted by Kallianpur deanery. The programme was inaugurated by Most Rev. Gerald Lobo by planting a sapling.

Mr Maxim D’Souza read the report of the last annual meeting. Mrs Jacintha read the annual report for the year of 2017-18.

Mr Elroy Kiran Crasta speaker of the day addressed the gathering and said how to work in social sector of Catholic Sabha in an effective way.

.Sr Jacintha Noronha who was honored for Social work by Himachal Pradesh government with a stamp was felicitated honored. Mr Merwin Aranha, winner of District Rajyotsava Award for his acting talent, Mr Wilson Olivera, Sandesh Award winner for Music and National Award winner Mrs Delfin D’Souza were felicitated. Mr Alphonse D’Souza retired teacher of Brahmavar was given Francis Danthi award for literature.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo, Mr Anil Lobo, Mr Valerian Fernandes, Mr Walter Pinto, Mr Wilfred D’Souza, Mr Lancy D’Cunha and Mr Alwyn Quadros spoke on this occasion. Mr Wilfred D’Souza inaugurated the catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh new website and V. Rev. Fr Lawrence C. D’Souza released the telephone directory.

Mr Santhosh Cornelio welcomed the gathering and Mr Maxim D’Souza proposed vote of thanks. Mr. Edward Larson D’Souza and Mrs Rosy Baretto compered the programme.

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