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February 12, 2017: A packed crowd of over 6,000 witnessed the highly entertaining 'Grand Konkan Showers 2017 - 268th Wilfy Nite' organized by St Mary's Konkan Community (SMKC) Dubai, in association with the Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh, at St Francis Xavier English Medium School Ground, Melpete.


The musical evening, held in aid of Udupi diocesan projects and showcasing the 268th Wilfy Nite, mesmerized the Konkani music lovers. The success was evident from the audience as they highly appreciated the wonderful arrangement and great entertainment with musical, dance and comedy. The entire programme was very well organized with continuous non-stop entertainment.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Issac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese, Valentine D'Souza, DYSP, CCBR, Mangaluru, Noel Mascarenhas, founder president, SMKC, Meena Rebimbus, Paul Colaco, vice-president; Jennifer Mascarenhas, ex-president SMKC/charity chairperson; Frenney Fernandes, ex-secretary, SMKC/core team member; Urban Sequeira, SMKC ex-web coordinator; Ivan D’Souza, SMKC, committee member; Msgr Baptist Menezes, vicar general, diocese of Udupi; Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves, spiritual director, Catholic Sabha, Udupi, Fr Cyprian Peter D'Souza, founder spiritual director, SMKC Dubai; Melvyn Rodrigues, director (Operations), Daijiworld Media Network and the chancellor of diocese of Udupi, Fr Denis D’Sa, co–convernor and the PRO, diocese of Udupi were present on the Dias.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Issac Lobo presided over the formal stage function before the main event of the evening. Addressing the gathering he said, "SMKC functions in Dubai, but it is giving its best for Konkani language and culture. SMKC's services towards the needy in the society is priceless and noteworthy. SMKC has come forward to assist in Udupi diocesan projects which is very appreciable. I am very grateful to the president, office-bearers and members of SMKC for this event and their service towards the diocesen projects,”

He said."The late Wilfy Rebimbus was a great legend. He is not with us today, but Meena, Veena and Vishwas and other family members, as well as the members of the troupe have kept Wilfy and his songs alive".

The bishop had a word for praise for ace compere Lesile Rego as it was due to his efforts that the programme was being held in Udupi. He also thanked Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh who under the guidance of Fr Valerian Mendonca have worked hard for the diocese.

"Parish priest Fr Roque D’Souza along with parish pastoral council members and the parishioners came forward and provided us the space to organise this mega event. I thank the entire team from Udyavar for their service," he said.

"The diocese is currently in need of a pastoral centre, a minor seminary, home for retired priests and a bishop house with office for various committees. I am grateful to the parishoners without whom this day was impossible,".

The bishop released the audio CD of well-known Konkani singer Prem Kumar 'Premall Jhelo' on the occasion. The musical album was dedicated to Konkan Kogull late Wilfy Rebimbus. The proceeds from the sale of the audio CD will go towards Snehalaya Charitable Trust.

While SMKC Dubai presented a cheque of Rs 10 lac towards Udupi diocesan projects, parish priest Fr Roque D’Souza, St Francis Xavier Church, Udyavara and parishioners presented a cheque of Rs 5 lac towards the same.

The Catholic Sabha from Mother of Sorrows Church alone generated Rs 8,67,000. The bishop of Udupi acknowledged the efforts of the members.

Valerian Fernandes, president, Catholic Sabha, Udupi Pradesh said, "We have generated Rs 54,56,000 till now. Our aim was to collect Rs 70 lac. We are hopeful of reaching the target at the earliest."

Earlier, Joe Fernandes, president, SMKC welcomed the gathering. Dr Vincent Alva compered the formal stage programme and Fr Valerian Mendonca delivered the vote of thanks.

The musical evening began with 'Namo namo' prayer dance followed by a performance of the title song of Wilfy Nite by Konkan Maina Meena Rebimbus, daughter Veena, son Vishwas and others.

The song 'Maria' was sung by Ivan Sequeira, 'Maza Maar' from film 'Padri' was sung by Ashwin D’Costa alongside a performance by the ‘Ocean Kids’ of national fame. 'Kashtanchem Dees Mujem' from the new volume of Roger Rebimbus won the hearts of the crowd. 'Gova Gova' was sung and performed by Veena Rebimbus Pais, Shyla and Nigel. 'Pedru Zuvav' was sung by Claud D’Souza. 'Mai Sunn' was sung by Meena, Vishwa and Babitha and 'Fulchya Fulano' was sung by Minita Rao. 'Raath Zalya Raath' from the film 'Padri' by Nihal Tauro enthraled the audience.

Meena Rebimbus sang 'Chillipilli Suknyano' from the film 'Boghsane'. 'Novro Meelo Ghataghar' was sung by Babitha D’Sa. 'Mother Theresa' was sung by Veena and Vishwas, 'Mongluranthlem Komblem Ami' was sung with action by Prem, Ivan and Claud and 'Naman Tuka Avoiponna' by Fr Denis D’Sa. The song 'Disco' was sung by Babitha Pinto with a performance by Ocean Kids. 'Mog Tuzo Kithlom' was sung by Vishwas and 'Yore Yore Mujya Moga' by Ashiwin and Munita. The event concluded with 'Mogo Ra Yo' by Veena, Vishwa and group for which Ocean Kids performed a dance.

Leslie and comedy king Dolla presented rib-tickling skits in between the songs which kept the audience thoroughly entertained. Lesile Rego conducted the event.

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