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Udupi, Jan 11: The first diocesan youth convention 'Shine 2016' came to a close with pomp and celebration at Perampalli on Sunday January 10.


The new website of the youth commission of the diocese of Udupi (http://www.youthcommissionudupi.com/) was launched by Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, bishop of the Diocese of Udupi.

Dr Gerald Lobo presided over the valedictory sessions along with Fr Deepak Thomas, director, national ICYM, and Fr Mari Joseph, director, regional ICYM, Fr Maxim Nazareth, superior, Assisi Nilaya, Perampalli were present as the chief guests.

Bishop Dr Gerald began with a note of appreciation for the youth for participating in the event. "The youth of Udupi diocese have shone and brought laurels to our diocese wherever they have gone. Udupi is the richest diocese in Karnataka in terms of youth and the resource persons that we have. We should cherish this fact with pride and try to encash this resource for a productive purpose. One must search for his talents deep within and utilize them fully; then no one can defeat you. Let God take the first place in our lives and He will take care of the rest. We should be leaders and motivators in society, not slaves or followers," he said.

Fr Mari Joseph said, "Developments have both good and bad sides. If the lessons from ICY activities are not imbibed in our lives, then they are wasted. This movement has been and will always be imparting good values to the youth, who in turn should inculcate them in their lives. When social and religious values are followed, there will be bliss in this world."

Fr Deepak said, "Youth are not only the future of the church, but also the present, and its treasure. The church looks at you as instruments of motivation. The conventions everywhere help in sharing our faith and knowledge that enrich us. And hence change begins from within. Let us begin to inspire others."

Fr Maxim said that being young was a blessing and promised to help ICYM in many more activities in the upcoming year.

Valida Mendonca was felicitated on this occasion on being elected as the regional general secretary. Deanery directors, council members and well-wishers were also felicitated.

Vipin Paul, president, regional ICYM, Sr Hilda FMA, animator, Walter D'Souza, animator, Derick Mascarenhas, president and Vivina Saldanha, secretary, diocese of Udupi were present on the dais.

A brief report on the convention was read out by Oliver D'Sa, PRO, ICYM, diocese of Udupi. Valida Mendonca welcomed the gathering, while Derick Mascarenhas proposed the vote of thanks. Jyothsna and Winard compered the concluding session.

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