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Udupi, Nov 22: More than 3,500 faithful took part in the Holy Eucharist which was celebrated on the feast day of Christ the King, in the Mother of Sorrows Church premises in Udupi. The theme chosen for the celebration was " NOURISHED BY CHRIST, TO NOURISH OTHERS"

The Holy Eucharist was presided over by Most Rev Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, the bishop of Udupi diocese, with around 50 priests con-celebrating with him.

The Bishop in his message said that we have gathered here to be nourished by the Eucharistic Lord so that we go out and bear witness to Him and to His Kingdom of Love, Peace, Forgiveness and Justice which is the need of the hour. The Eucharistic procession that we hold today is an expression of our union with the Lord and with our brothers and sisters. We take our Lord to the streets and homes around us so that He blesses everyone with his gifts of love, peace and justice. The lamps that we carry with us during the procession are the symbolic expression of our mission to be the light of the world. 

At the end of the Mass, the Most Blessed Sacrament was exposed for Public praise and worship. Rev. Dr Lawrence D’Souza, Secretary, Catholic Education Society of Udupi (CESU) led the praise and worship.

The Praise and worship was followed by a meaningful, devout and colorful Eucharistic Procession. Bishop Gerald led the procession with the Blessed sacrament taken around for public worship and blessing. The one hour long procession through the city of Udupi culminated at the venue from where the procession began. 

The procession was followed by an inspiring Homily on the Sacred Sacrament of Holy Eucharist by Rev. Dr Prakash Anil Castelino. He said that Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life. This Eucharist has sustained the Holy Catholic Church all through these years, even amidst suffering and persecution. Eucharist is the one that will sustain our families, parishes and the Diocese. The Church is the Power house where we are Refilled, Recharged and Renewed by the Holy Eucharist. Let's approach this sacrament everyday with great love and devotion. The Homily was followed by an act of consecration of the faithful and the diocese. Bishop led the prayer of Consecration. After the Consecration a solemn blessing of the Eucharistic Lord was invoked on all. 

On this occasion, the toppers in Mission Sunday Collection were felicitated . Here are the results:

Highest amount collected:

1 St Lawrence Church, Moodubelle

2. Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi

3. St Lawrence Church, Karkal, Attur

Collection Per Head:

 1.The Immaculate Heart of Mary Church,  Nakre, 

2. St Antony Church, Kuntalnagar

3. Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi. 

Bishop Dr Gerald presented the prizes. He thanked all the priests, religious and the laity who were instrumental for the success of the days' celebration.


Fr Denis D’Sa, PRO of the Diocese, compered the event.






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