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Prison Ministry of India and the  Diocese of Udupi jointly organized a Deepavali celebration in the District prison at Hiriyadka on 10 November, 2015. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Issac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi. V Rev. Fr Fred Mascarenhas, Dean and Parish Priest of Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi, Rev. Fr Francis Cornelio, Mr Sridar Prabhu, officer in charge of prison and Mr Michael were present on the dais.

The program began with a prayer song led by the lay in charge of prison ministry Mr Alwyn Fernandes  which was followed by a welcome dance from the students of St Mary’s English Medium School, Kannarpady. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo initiated the celebrations by lighting the traditional lamp along with the inmates of the prison.

Fr Francis Cornelio, priest in charge of the prison ministry welcomed the gathering and introduced the guests to the inmates and wished all a happy Deepavali. One of the inmates gave expression to the thoughts and feelings of all the inmates. He also told the origin of Deepavali and the joy this festival ushers in the minds of the people. This was followed by a skit from the Students of St Mary School, Kannarpady.

V Rev. Fr Fred Mascarenhas addressing the gathering said that Deepavali is a festival of love. Darkness cannot be removed by darkness. Only light can remove darkness. Similarly bad things can’t remove the bad things from the world but only love can remove all the evil. He wished all the inmates a happy Deepavali.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo wished all the inmates a happy Deepavali. He wished and prayed for the change of hearts of the inmates and God willing, immediate release from the prison so that they can celebrate this festival of lights with their family.   The prison in charge Mr. Sridhar Prabhu wished all a happy Deepavali.

Mr Alwyn Fernandes, the lay in charge of prison ministry, proposed the vote of thanks. Sr. Melania conducted the program. Sweets and fruits were distributed to all the inmates after the program. Around 140 inmates of the district prison took part in this unique Deepavali celebration.


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