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Bishop’s House: November 11, 2015

Come Deepavali and it’s time for celebration. Deepavali, the festival of lights is celebrated all over India with a lot of external displays of lights, fireworks, dance and music etc. The Bishop’s house too organized a unique Deepavali celebration along with the Udupi District Working Journalists Association on 11 November 2015. It was not so much an external celebration but rather a celebration of enlightening the minds with sacred thoughts of unity and brotherhood. Prof. B.A.Vivekar Rai, the former Vice Chancellor of Hampi and Karnataka State Open University, was the special invitee who delivered a lecture on “Literature and Media”. He said the media has the sacred duty of promoting peace and harmony through their writings and visuals, which in turn will dispel the darkness of hatred, intolerance and violence. At a time when the country is passing through a phase of intolerance and hatred, the media’s role in promoting peace and harmony is all the more urgent.

Delivering the lecture on ‘Literature and Media” professor Rai said knowledge of literature would help the reporter to present his story in a more effective manner. He suggested that the reporters and media personnel should read the literature from other languages too which will expand their knowledge on their subject and help improve their media vocabulary. He also said that one should make a study of the other forms of media (photography, video etc) which would make their story comprehensive. It’s imperative that in the Digital world the reporter should be well versed with the latest technology and formats so that he or she can use them for his advantage and make his story reach the audience fast and first with correct facts and figures. He also cautioned the audience about the misuse of the media like facebook, whatsapp etc which we must not fall prey to.

Bishop Gerald Lobo presided over the function. In his Deepavli message he called upon the members present to spread the light of humanness, brotherhood and harmony.

Msgr Baptist Menezes, Vicar General of the Diocese of Udupi welcomed the gathering. Mrs Rohini, District officer for the Information Department, Mr Jayakara Suvarna, the president of the Journalists’ Association and Fr Denis D’Sa, the PRO of the diocese were present on the dais.

Almost all the dailies and news channels were represented by their reporters. A few directors of Diocesan Commissions too were present for the celebration. Mr Michael Rodrigues, Diocesan Media Coordinator proposed the vote of thanks. Mr Vincent Alva, Ass. Prof., Milagres College compered the program.


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