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The Annual Udupi Deanery Way of the Cross was held here in Kuntalnagar on Sunday, 13 March 2016 with great religious fervor and devotion. The entire spiritual event commenced at 3 pm with the preparation for the sacrament of reconciliation which was followed by confessions. This was followed by Holy Eucharist which was presided over by His Grace Most Rev. Albert D’Souza, Archbishop of Agra Arch diocese. Msgr Baptist Menezes, the Vicar General of Udupi Diocese, V. Rev. Fr Fred Mascarenhas, the Dean of Udupi Deanery and as many as 12 priests concelebrated the Holy Eucharist. Rev. Fr Prakash Lobo, OFM Cap preached a meaningful homily on the salvific value of the suffering of Christ visa vi our suffering which also has a redemptive value. He said when one suffers, the entire humanity suffers and we have an obligation to redeem that person from those sufferings by reaching out to him/her. Keeping up the theme of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, he also called upon the faithful to become the face of God’s mercy as Jesus was which was vividly narrated in the days’ parable of the adulterous woman, who was not condemned but pardoned by Christ.

The Holy Eucharist was followed by the Way of the Cross in the open air where the Stations of the Cross have been erected. Fr Prakash Lobo, Capuchin, conducted a relevant and situational way of the Cross. He identified Christ in the present day sufferings of people of various walks of life. He invited people to become Simons of Cyrene, Veronicas, Women of Jerusalem so that we comfort the sick and suffering whenever Possible. At every station of the Cross there was a reference to the recent encyclicals of Pope Francis, with a special reference to Misericordiae Vultus and Laudato Si.


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