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As many as 15 Catholic Advocates of the Diocese of Udupi came together for the first time under one roof  of the Bishop's House for a friendly exchange of views, on 10 July 2015. The meeting was organised by the Commission for the Laity and the Catholic Sabha of Udupi Pradesh. Bishop of the Diocese Most Rev. Gerald Lobo presided over the meeting. The Bishop expressed his joy over this unique meeting and thanked the advocates for their positive response to this meeting. He thanked the advocates for their service to the society in general and to the catholic community in particular. Bishop called upon the advocates to pool together their expertise so that the human resources could be utilised to the maximum. He also exhorted them to become the salt and the light in their area of work and to dispense justice in the light of  the Constitution of India and the Gospel . He also urged them to reach out to the needy who have been denied justice and are in pursuit of justice. Rev. Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves, the spiritual director of Catholic Sabha, Rev. Fr J.B.Crasta, the director of Laity Commission of Mangalore Diocese and the office bearers of the Catholic Sabha of Udupi Region were present on the occasion. The formal program was followed by a friendly exchange of views on legal matters, both civil and ecclesiastical.


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