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June 23 Kallianpur: The annual pastoral consultation of the Diocese of Udupi was held in the Milagres Tri-Centenary Hall on 23 and 24 of June 2015. Around 75 priests of the Diocese of Udupi, both Diocesan and religious took part in this two days' consultation. 


The Consultation was inaugurated by his Lordship Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo. In his inaugural address he said that it is heartening to see so many priests taking time out to take part in this consultation. He said this is really an expression of UNUM PRESBYTERIUM, the unity and solidarity of the priests of the Diocese of Udupi. He invited the members to take active part in the two days' deliberations.


He said that this consultation will deal with two major topics. The first day will have sessions on Church Finance Management. Mr Rudolph Rodrigues, the Chartered Accountant of the Diocese will enlighten the priests on various issues and questions related to finance, tax, etc. The session will also include clarifications asked on the Diocesan Finance Manual. The latter half of the first day will have sessions on Pastoral issues/problems. The second day will be dedicated to Liturgy and Life and Rev. Dr Ayres Fernandes, Executive  Secretary, CCBI Commission for Liturgy, Bengaluru.

Bishop thanked the presbyterium for the good attendance at the Consultation and requested them to take active part in the Consultation.

Mr Rudolph Rodrigues made a presentation of “Finance Manual”; after the presentation he clarified the doubts of the members of the house on financial and tax matters.

The sessions that followed were:

·       Pastoral Problems regarding Liturgy

·       Pastoral problems regarding Family life

·       Felicitation to Silver Jubilarians of Priesthood.

·       General Body meeting of Priests’ Welfare Scheme


The entire second day was dedicated to talks and clarifications on “LITURGY and LIFE”. Rev Dr Ayres clarified a number of liturgical issues. The members were made to re-visit the Vatical II council documents on Liturgy and the related guidelines on the meaningful celebration of the Liturgy and Life.

The Consultation came to an end with the concluding message of the Bishop.


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