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Udupi : Pastoral Consultation of Udupi  Diocese held at Milagres Cathedral Tri-centenary Hall, Kallianpur near here on 18th June, 2014. Two days Pastoral Consultation which was inaugurated with lighting the lamp by Bishop of Udupi Diocese,  His Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo along with Most Rev Mosgr. Dr. Baptist Menezes Vicar General of Udupi Diocese, Very Rev Fr. Stany B. Lobo Rector of Milagres Cathedral and Rev Fr. Roque D’Souza, Secretary & Parish Priest of Udyavara Church.











Prior to the inauguration invocation prayer  held by Fr. Sunil and Fr. Alexander. Bishop gave introduction talk on the occasion. Very Rev Fr. John Mendonca Judicial Vicar of the diocese outlined the topic on Marriage and Family Life Doctrinal & Canonical Aspects. The Moderator during the topic was Rev Fr. Chetan Lobo OFM.

There were talks on four topics held on pastoral care on families and other pastoral concerns during the day.














First talk held by Eugene Rebello of Milagres Cathedral on Problems on Parenthood & Parenting in Christian upbringing. Second talk held on Faith Crisis of our Teens & Youth by Prof. Vincent Alva Pamboor of Milagres College, Kallianpur. The moderator of these two session held by Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca Chancellor of Udupi Diocese.

In the afternoon session the day’s third talk held on Problems Before and After Christian marriage by Eugine Quadros of Barkur Church. The final talk on Pastoral Care of Catholic Families held by Dr. Leslie Lewis of Milagres Cathedral. The moderator of these two talks held by Very Rev Fr. Stany Tauro Dean of Shirva Deanery.

Followed by the days talks on various family issues General suggestions and conclusion on the four talks held. The moderator during the concluding sessions held by Very Rev Fr. Stany Tauro of Shirva. About 70 priests of the diocese participated during the first day of the Pastoral Consultation program.










Bishop placed some of the announcements at the end of the program. The first day’s program compered by Rev Fr. Denis D’ Sa, PRO of the diocese along with Rev Fr. Reginald Pinto of SAMPADA, Udupi Diocese. Meanwhile Fr. Reginald Pinto proposed vote of thanks. The two days program of the diocese will be held in beautifully renovated Milagres Tri-centenary Hall, Kallianpur. More than thousand seats capacity hall renovated with all sufficient modern facilities.




































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