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Oct 24,2013 :'Make JESUS your best friend & He will see through all your difficulties & worries, pain & sorrows' said Fr Nelson Pinto speaking to the Y.C.S retreatants at Trinity Central School Perampalli, Manipal Udupi district.

The annual 3 days retreat commenced on 15-10-2013 Tuesday 9:30 am at Trinity Central School, Perampalli symbolically inaugurated by Fr Anil D’costa, Fr Nelson pinto, & the director Fr Edwin D’souza by lighting the lamp.The retreat began with praise & worship led by Osmond who helped all the participants to raise our hearts to God, followed by Talks, Rosary, adoration & action songs. The day was dedicated to the diocese of Udupi as it was the first b’day of the diocese .

The second day began with praise & worship by Osmond followed by breakfast & action songs. The whole day was dedicated to strengthen our bond with God. The whole group was divided into various cells & were given duties & activities. Speaking to the retreatants, Fr Nelson called the youth to “MAKE JESUS YOUR BEST FRIEND, add him on the friend list of your profile & you will become tension free”. He helped the youth to make good confession followed by inner healing prayer.

On the third day, the work of the Holy Spirit could be felt in the joy of the participants, who pledged themselves for a new beginning, Ycs, National Director, Fr Charles inspired the participants to do things that make a difference, the participants sang & danced to glorify God & the retreat wound up with the lunch.

The retreat inspired the youth to know the importance of prayer, values & strengthened their bond with God. The youth got to know new people & enjoyed the new company.

- By Chetan OFMCap




















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