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“Eucharist is the Sacrament of Unity”, with this theme, the Annual Eucharistic Procession of the Diocese of Udupi was held at Milagres Cathedral, Kallianpur on 20thNovember 2022.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese, presided over the Eucharistic celebration held at Milagres Cathedral. V. Rev. Dr Roshan D’Souza, Chancellor of Udupi Diocese; deans and priests from the Diocese were present among other faithful.

In his homily, Bishop said, “Today we are celebrating the feast of Christ the King. Many Kings have ruled this world and their names are recorded in history books. But here is a King who still reigns and continues to do good deeds for the community and that King is Christ. Jesus as a King was the King of truth, loyalty and love. Worldly kingdoms are built on rivalry. But Jesus built his kingdom on the concepts of forgiveness and love. Jesus through his life spread the message of peace and forgiveness. We should also follow in his footsteps. He forgives his rivals and opponents. He wishes that everyone gets new life, Therefore He confronts sinners. He sacrificed His life for His people”.

After the Eucharistic celebration, the Holy Eucharist was taken in procession to Mount Rosary Church, Santhekatte, where adoration was held.

Rev. Fr Johnson Sequeira, Principal of St Mary’s CBSC School, Kannarpady, Udupi, in his homily highlighted the importance of the Eucharist and its evolution by citing several examples and events from both the Old and New Testaments. The Holy Eucharist is a sign of unity, sacrifice and forgiveness. The real love resides in showing it to our neighbors. We take part in the Holy dinner of the Lord. We may attain great success in this world, but if we are not United with Christ, it is worthless to have any achievements. Jesus called everyone to live happily; if we are trying to live on the path of Jesus, then we need to reach out to the needy of our community”.

A Documentary depicting the achievements of the diocese in past ten years and Two Books namely, ‘Formative Decade – A history of The Diocese of Udupi’ and ‘Diocese of Udupi, History of Parishes’ written by Dr Eugene D’Souza, Moodubelle were released on the occasion. The Medical fund to help the needy of the diocese was launched as part of the decennial year celebrations. Bishop Most Rev Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo thanked all the devotees of the Diocese for their active participation.

A large number of devotees from the diocese took active part in the Eucharistic celebration and procession.


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