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A Diocesan Level Ecumenical Prayer gathering was held at Kalmady Church auditorium on 09th March 2021.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese welcomed the gathering and stated the purpose of the prayer meeting. He said that Jn 17:21 calls us to bear witness to Christ united. We all are servants of the same Master Jesus Christ. So the prayer gathering is one of the occasions for us to pray together and show our unity.

Dr D. R. Sadananda (CSI) pastor helped the members to reflect on the theme: "Deny oneself, take up Cross and follow Jesus" (Mt 16:24). He in his discourse gave a comparative presentation on the theme based on St John's Gospel and St Mathew's Gospel.

Very Rev. Fr Walter D Mello, the Juridical vicar of Mangalore and Udupi Dioceses gave deliberations on the theme: "Father, let them be one" ( Jn 17:21). He presented the present scenario of Christian’s pathetic situation in India. The disunity between various Christian Churches and the new government polices and projects that challenge the Christian spirit of service. He called the gathering for introspective, united efforts in nation building and work for a stronger unity in the future.

The diocesan Ecumenical Commission secretary, Rev Fr Harold Pereira conducted the prayer service. The Kalmady Church Choir helped in singing. The parish priest of Kalmady Rev. Fr Alban D’Souza being the host provided all the facilities. At the end Fr. Harold Pereira thanked the resource persons and the participants.

There were 40 participants from various Churches.

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