Six months are already behind us as we step into the seventh and get ready to face the monsoon season which is yet to catch momentum. Summer’s heat is over but fresh covid-19 cases which seem to be on the increase are going to destabilize our daily life with fear of contagion and misery of isolation after a period of freedom from restrictions and limitations. Our trust in the Divine for protection, mercy and benevolence is the only weapon that will strengthen us in all moments of fears and anxieties, which we shall continue with further zeal, perseverance and hope.
For us, the Clergy, Religious and Lay Faithful of the Diocese of Udupi this month of July is very significant because we will complete ten years of the creation of the Diocese of Udupi by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI on 16 July, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Ten years of God’s abundance of grace immeasurable and blessings and benevolence countless and in plenty as can be seen from the way our parishes and institutions have accepted and implemented our Pastoral Plan – Mission 2025 and the manner in which the Commissions have been functioning at the parish, deanery and diocesan level. God’s guiding Hand has been upon us all which is vivid and visible in and through all our activities: social, religious, pastoral and spiritual the result of which is a vibrant and grace-filled Diocese which can truly be proud of its fruitful realization of the mission and ministry to a great extent entrusted to us. Let us therefore thank and praise God our loving Father for all his benevolence, mercy and protection, graces and blessings and surrender ourselves to continue with further zeal and zest to be His effective and worthy instruments of His mission and ministry entrusted to us.as we step into the eleventh year. I thank each and every one of you for your support, encouragement, prayers, cooperation and understanding in our common endavour of building the Diocese of Udupi since its establishment. I request you to continue to pray for me so that my shepherding ministry entrusted to me by the Church may bear further fruits for the greater glory of God.
On 3rd we will celebrate the feast of St Thomas the Apostle who preached, proclaimed and witnessed the faith in India we profess so proudly today. Let the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel be very dear to us all for two reasons: one she is our Heavenly Mother who always protects an intercedes for us with Her Son Jesus and second, on her feast day we received the gift of this Diocese of Udupi.
May God continue to be with us with His unending blessings. Thank you and God bless you all.
X Gerald Isaac Lobo
Bishop of Udupi