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The Titular Feast of St. Lawrence was celebrated at St. Lawrence Minor Basilica, Attur Karkal, on August 10, 2024, with much fervour and devotion.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo, Bishop of the Udupi Diocese, was the main celebrant. V. Rev. Fr Alban D’Souza, Rector of the Basilica; Rev. Fr Roman Mascarenhas; V. Rev. Fr Richard Coelho, Director of Fr Muller's Hospital, Mangalore; Rev. Fr (Dr) John Sequeira OCD; and diocesan and religious priests were present. Rev. Fr (Dr) John Sequeira OCD preached a meaningful homily on how to pray with our Lord.

After the Mass, a new pendrive of songs dedicated to St. Lawrence was inaugurated by Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo. The pendrive was a collaborative effort between Rev. Fr Clement Mascarenhas and the Late V. Rev. Fr Valerian Mendonca, who composed the songs and wrote the lyrics before his passing.

V. Rev. Fr Alban D’Souza thanked the donors and sponsors. The Bishop conveyed his festal greetings to the Rector and the parishioners.

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