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The Renovated presbytery at Moodubelle was blessed by Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, the Bishop of Udupi Diocese, on August 4, 2024. The event included a celebration of the Holy Eucharist by Bishop Lobo, along with Rev. Fr George D'Souza, Msgr. Leslie Shenoy, and two guest priests. During the homily, Bishop Lobo preached about the importance and method of prayer.

After the Mass, Msgr. Leslie Shenoy inaugurated the renovated presbytery by cutting the ribbon. Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo led the prayer service and blessed the renovated building. The event was attended by Rev. Fr Rikson Monteiro, the Assistant Priest of Moodubelle, guest priests, Parish Pastoral Council members, Finance Committee members, and parishioners. Following the blessing, a short felicitation program was held at the parish community hall.

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